"Dear Friend of the 20th Anniversary AIDS Walk Orange County,
I would like to take a moment to wish you heartfelt thanks for your sponsorship and participation in this years AIDS Walk, making it one of the best in our history! Your presence was truly invaluable.
As we begin work on the 21st AIDS Walk we look forward to joining forces with your organization to make it an even better one."
Michelle Burton
Director of Development & Marketing
"We want to express our sincere gratitude for your sponsorship and support to our cheer program. Your generosity is greatly appreciated by every member of the team. Because of budget cuts, the ad you placed in our calendar will help our team pay for buses to away games, camp, competitions and numerous other incidental costs we have as cheerleaders. We truly appreciate our wonderful community of friends."
San Clemente High School Cheer Team
"Thank you for supporting the BOO BLAST, Moulton Elementary School's 28th annual PTA fundraiser. The Carnival was held on October 14th. It was a fun-filled day for people of all ages. Your contribution not only helped our school and bring enjoyment to them, but also made it one of our most successful carnivals by bringing in over $33, 000."
Kerry Wagner
"On behalf of Philip J. Reilly Elementary and our Principal, Julie Hatchel, I would like to thank you for your generous donation of ice to our school's Family Fun Night. Our evening was a tremendous success and we were able to earn many of the scholarships that we need for our Outdoor 5th Grade Science Camp.
Thank you again for your support!!"
Kristine Ford
Dear Friends,
Thank you for your donation to the Mission Viejo Christian School Silent/Live Auction.
It is through your generosity that we will be able to provide important resources and programs for our students. Your contributions are very much appreciated.
Jim Downey
"Thank you so much for contributing ice with deliveries completely to the All School Picnic. We really appreciate your generosity. It was a great day because of you!"
On behalf of the American Cancer Society, I would like to thank you for your assistance with the Aliso Viejo Relay for Life.